Collaboration events

A series of online events for civil society organisations in Mali to improve on their collaboration

Mission: To begin, we started with a series of interviews, empathising with individual contexts and assessing challenges and opportunities. Resulted a large amount of informations that were mapped in Miro and shared prior to the first online event for transparency. During the first event we planned a series of activities and break out sessions to facilitate networking along with the co-creation of commun values and a scan of the needs for efficient collaboration. While keeping the participants engaged with session outcomes and short polls, we prepared the second event, aimed at scanning the activities needed for a better collaboration. The outcomes of the second event gave us the data to map a series of paths toward a more structured collaboration between organisations. During the last event, individual participants co-created roles and organised themselves for the organisations of following events on the theme of improved collaboration.

Client: Embassy of the kingdom of the Netherlands (MINBUZA)

Services: Design research, online event coordination and facilitation, recommendation report

Partners: Emilie de Witte (co-facilitation)

Context: In Mali, the SRHR officers of the Dutch embassy wanted to improve on the collaboration of beneficiary civil society organisations. The aim was to create an online opportunity for these organisations to get to know each other during the global pandemic.

Click on the logo to visit the interactive waiting room of the event


Online course - Vietnam


Mobile games - Yemen